About Us

Trends and Technology run parallel which keeps updating, changing, reversing that needs continuous advancement as well as good networking.

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A sourcing world for Fashion world

We at Trends-Netra, as the name suggests, work towards connecting each Dot of supply chain, work as an Eye to trend, Network them with technology and industry. We are an “End to End” Service provider for the fashion world, brands and start-up’s, and our experienced founder, expertise and skilled team gives creative, Innovation and technology driven solutions. Our model of work is extremely flexible, with in-house manufacturing as well as out-sourcing with your preferred manufacturing facility, but what remains constant is “Ethics”. With Trends-Netra , you are not only building a brand, but you are also contributing towards a better Human life.

Our Work


What & How We Do

We are Service providers from Brand consulting/brand building for their B2B needs from design to production/shipping to Technology solutions/web where we focus on the specific needs, with varied product or services options. Knowing how Fashion is polluting this world, we focus on zero wastage and building up a system to create a “0 wastage fashion world”. Know more We at Trends-Netra are Fast paced and being positively aggressive at our work yet our work environment is quite peaceful and with 0 level Stress. Know More We are excited to grow & collaborate with you to start a beautiful journey.

  • Low cost Design and innovative solutions for Fashion brand
  • Head to Toe Fashion Products (produced in India)
  • 34+ Own and Partner Factories
  • On-Demand factory live video status through our speed networking.
  • Skilled and Experienced people at just a call away.
  • Quick, transparent and real time communication.
  • Supplying to more than 6 countries from East to West.
  • 14+ Happy customers over the period of Less than an year


We do know what this world is going through and the importance of working together with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Goals. Hence we chose to start with achieving Below GOALS-

  • Decent Work and Economic growth
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Industry , Innovations and Infrastructure

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